Are you interested in joining a committee?
Post date: Dec 06, 2009 9:26:35 PM
Whether you have a little or a lot of time, you can help improve our community!!! Here are brief explanations of the suggested committees in need of chair-persons & volunteers:
CODE ENFORCEMENT LIAISON: If you have concerns about the home values in our community and an interest in ensuring that our residents understand the City of Hollywood’s public codes, this committee is the right fit.
The chair and volunteers will be responsible for briefing and interacting with our assigned code enforcement agent, Bruce Whalen - a knowledgeable and seasoned professional. The intent and purpose of this committee is not to police or offend our neighbors; its sole purpose is for our neighborhood to have a few individuals who are well-versed in code compliance and are therefore able to help all of us preserve the integrity and charm of our community.
COMMUNICATIONS: This committee includes general neighborhood communications such as:
LACA Newsletter - The editor and feature contributors will produce a quarterly one or two-page newsletter informing our residents on situations that affect Lawn Acres. It will be important for the editor and the contributors to possess writing and computer skills. Volunteers will assist the editor in obtaining relevant alerts and topics of interest to our community
LACA Web Site - Any individuals with expertise in Web design and/or management who feel they may have ideas which could potentially increase the effectiveness of our Web site are encouraged to volunteer for this committee. The more current the LACA Web site is, the more effective our efforts to educate and notify our residents, will be.
HOSPITALITY: Wouldn’t it be nice if newcomers to the neighborhood could instantly feel welcomed and connected to the warmth of our neighborhood? If you believe in saying “Welcome!” with cookies and a smile, you would be perfect for this particular committee.
This committee will be responsible for creating a “welcome” package for our new residents, including information about our community’s history, provide already printed & available pamphlets, as well as other information regarding the City, its agencies and services.
LEGISLATION LIAISONS: We need individuals who already do or are willing to scan newspapers and media reports as well as monitor legislative proposals for issues that could possibly impact the Lawn Acres community. Whenever necessary, it is very important we are represented at state, and city commission meetings, and public hearings. The chair of this committee should be an individual who can be an effective “diplomatic advocate” and who has a working knowledge of both our government and our neighborhood. The best qualified volunteers will be those who are up to date on local issues or have an interest in representing various generic segments of our community such as homeowners, seniors, children etc.
MEMBERSHIP: If you ever attended a LACA meeting you are well aware that attendance fluctuates, depending on the issues at hand. There are many ways we can increase our membership. This committee will seek to find ways to increase membership by directly speaking with residents to better understand what it is they look for in a homeowner’s association.
Once we increase our rosters we can better represent our individuals as well as the collective. This committee may be our most important! The fact that our membership levels have never reached the 50% level is a statement that cripples our ability to be heard and respected by our local representatives. In times of lean public funding, we cannot allow our voices to be weak. A small amount of your time can, and will make a very big difference to all of us!
Garden Club - Do you have a passion for gardening and would like to share it with our community? Bring your love of gardening and share your landscaping tips with our interested residents. Some ideas this committee could help develop and plan are activities such as swapping of cuttings, or “in-home parlor talks” with horticultural and landscaping experts. Neighborhood Beautification - We’ll aim to keep our community looking like one where the residents take pride in their neighborhood. The more ship-shape our community looks, the higher the home resale values. Maintaining the Hollywood entrance to look appealing is one of the committee’s charges - and this does not mean that they have to do it all themselves; volunteers can be recruited. All ideas are welcome!
Security - This committee will interact with our designated community police officer and coordinate safety alerts, as well as establish or confirm existing block captains.
Special Events - If you are creative and love to organize events, we are looking for you and a few fun-loving volunteers to create new and fun and/or networking events for our residents! Even our LACA “every few years” barbecue can use some fresh takes on an “old” concept!
Youth initiatives - If you have children, or have interest in developing any informal programs for our community’s young children and/or youth - I.e. basketball scrimmage teams, play groups, etc. - please bring your ideas for consideration.
Join us for our Committees Forming Party