FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) featured in our newsletters. If you have a question you would like answered e-mail them to vp@lawnacres.com or call us at 954-667-7535. Visit this page from time to time for updated questions as we post them, thanks.
Q: Can I pay my dues by credit card?
A: Yes, we recognize the convenience of paying dues by credit card. If you wish to do so, please visit our website at the following page http://www.lawnacres.com/home/membership-committee
Q: Who do I call if my neighbor's yard is overgrown?
A: In Lawn Acres we like to give everyone a second chance. Talk to your neighbor first. However, if that does not work, please contact Lawn Acres Civic Association by phone or e-mail. If we cannot resolve the matter, we will refer it to the City of Hollywood Code Enforcement Department. Phone number for Bruce Whalen (bwhalen@hollywoodfl.org) Code Enforcement is: 954-921-3682.
Q: Where should I report street lights that are not working?
A: To report a problem with street lights, contact Public Works at 954-967-4526 and give them information on the location and fault. If possible, you should include the number on the front of the street light column. Look for a small metal plate attached to the light pole.
Q: What do I do when I would like a tree removed from my property or the swale?
A. Firstly, the City of Hollywood requires a permit for having a tree cut down. Contact Planning and Development: 954-921-3471. The Lawn Acres Board urges every homeowner to choose a Tree Care Professional, one who has a valid Broward County Tree Trimmer's license, as well as being fully insured.
Q: What does COMMINGLED mean as in Waste Pro collects Commingled Material on Saturdays?
A: Commingled refers to the putting together of Brush and Hard Junk.
That is, palm fronds, tree and brush clippings trimmed to 4 feet, old furniture, carpeting, and household appliances.
A resident can get rid of up to 4 cubic yards of brush and hard junk per Saturday collection.
Please bag all loose leaves for an easier and cleaner collection.
Note: Unacceptable material includes such items as tires, demolition debris, automotive or boat components or any hazardous materials. Call Waste Pro USA for a complete list at 954-967-4200.
Q: Where do I obtain Free Paint for the exterior of my house?
A: The City of Hollywood Public Works Department's administers Hollywood's "Operation Paintbrush".
Residents are urged to use primer in order to prevent pealing and to lengthen the life of the paint. Also, colors need to be compatible with the surrounding houses in the neighborhood. Contact following number for more info 954-967-4526
Q: What can I do to keep property values up in Lawn Acres?
A. Keeping Lawn Acres well-groomed is one of the key elements.
One can begin by removing hard junk from the property. Check your side areas, backyard, and carport for items which can be removed in order to create a nicer appearance and safer environment.
Q: Can I advertise in Lawn Acres newsletter and/or web site?
A: Yes, your support of Lawn Acres Civic Association is greatly appreciated and if we can expose your business to new potential customers we would be glad to do so. Please visit our web site at the following web page for more details: www.lawnacres.com/advertising, alternatively you can call Tom at 954-667-7535. Prices start as low as $15.
Q: What is the city's current property tax rate?
A: The city's property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2013 is 7.4479 mills and is unchanged from FY 2012.
Q: What is a mill?
A: One mill is the equivalent of $1 of property taxes per $1,000 of taxable value. Taxable value is defined as the assessed value of property minus the amount of any applicable exemptions provided by the Florida Statutes or the Florida Constitution.
Q: What is the difference between property taxes and ad valorem taxes?
A. There is no difference between the terms as they both refer to the tax on real property.
Announcement: The Property Appraiser reminds homeowners who have become eligible for Homestead Exemption on or before January 1, 2013 to file for all 2013 exemptions prior to the September 18, 2013 deadline.
Please make sure to visit their web site at www.bcpa.net or contact the office at 954-357-6830 or e-mail kbrown@bcpa.net.
Q: Why is the pruning of trees so essential?
A: According to the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture), pruning is the most common tree maintenance procedure next to watering. Pruning is often desirable or necessary to remove dead, diseased, or insectinfested branches and to improve tree structure or maintain safety. Since each cut has the potential to change the growth of or cause damage to a tree, no branch should be removed with out a reason.
LACA reminder: Trees adjacent to or under power lines may not exceed 15 feet in height at maturity.
Q: Which City of Hollywood Department do I contact about fixing potholes?
A: Contact the Public Works Department at 954-967-4526.
LACA reminder: Please have the exact location of the pothole to convey.
Q: I heard that there is a web site that shows all the crime statistics in Hollywood. What is that web site?
A. You can point your browser to: http://www.crimemapping.com/map/fl/hollywood Please note that the Hollywood Police Department is providing crime information to the public through this website. This data is based on preliminary incident information and has not been verified or subjected to investigative review and processes which may result in a change in the finalcrime disposition and/or classification. Additionally, not all incidents may be depicted within the default time frame due to initial reporting processes, but may be available at a later date utilizing the search function.
The Hollywood Police Department makes no guarantee, expressed or implied, about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information. Additionally, the Department makes no representations or warranties of a particular location's safety.
Q: Who do I call regarding water being shut off?
A: Please call the Water Office at 954-921-3241.
Q: Who is responsible for finding and fixing leaks in my system?
A: The City’s responsibility ends at the water meter. However, the City will assist you in locating problems on your side of the meter if requested. Contact Underground Utilities at 954-921-3046.
Q: How can I get notified of City of Hollywood events and emergencies?
A: You can point your browser to: www.hollywoodfl.org/list.aspx where you can sign up for e-mail or SMS text message notifications regarding:
Job postings
Emergency Alerts
Commission Meetings
Events and Concerts
Bid Postings
News Flash
Volunteer Information
News and Announcements
Workshops for Businesses
And other
Q: How do I appeal a parking citation in City of Hollywood?
A: Do not pay your fine if you are appealing it.
Any person wishing to contest a parking citation may appeal to the Parking Administrator of the city or his / her designee as follows:
For defective meters
If a person who has received a citation for overtime parking believes the meter for the parking space is defective or malfunctioning, such person shall call (954) 921-3535 or personally appear at the Office of Parking and Intergovernmental Affairs by 4:30 pmon the next business day of receiving the citation to have the meter checked by city staff. If the meter is found to be defective or malfunctioning, the citation will be voided.
For all other citation disputes
If the person who has received a citation believes the citation was issued in error, such person has 10 business days to appeal to the Parking Administrator or his / her designee as to the reason why the citation was issued in error. You may appeal on-line or inperson at the Office of Parking & Intergovernmental Affairs.
For more information see: www.hollywoodfl.org/index.aspx?NID=293
Q: Which City of Hollywood department do I contact for information on fees for permits related to air conditioning and electrical service
A: Call the Building Division at 954-921-3335. A Permit Application is available on-line. Once the application is approved, the permit will be available for you to pay online and held for pickup in the Building Division located at City Hall.
Q: Who do I call about storm drain issues?
A: Storm sewers are maintained by the City, unless they are on private property. Storm sewers are identified as the large grates in streets and near curbs that collect rainwater runoff. Contact Underground Utilities at 954-921-3046.
Q: Where can I take sofas, chairs, carpeting, and appliances in bulk for disposal?
A: On Saturdays, free disposal is available at the South Residential Trash Transfer Station at 5601 W. Hallandale Beach Boulevard (East of 441). Open 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Two forms of ID are required:
A driver’s license or photo identification with current address.
A utility bill such as electric, water, cable, or telephone that matches the address on the driver’s license.
For more information call 954-765-4999.
Q: What is this NEXTDOOR I keep hearing about?
A: Nextdoor is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community. It's the easiest way for neighbors to talk online and make our lives better in the real world. And it's free. Lawn Acres is the first community in South Florida to join. You can get in on the action by going to http://nextdoor.lawnacres.com