Featured Lawn Acres Resident Artist
Post date: Oct 26, 2010 10:47:17 PM
Lawn Acres resident – Artist/ Designer/ Author, Eleanor Leinen who has been seen on numerous TV shows, and featured in a bevy of magazine articles, will be showcased this month onPBS TV’s “ARTSTREET” 11/15 & 11/20 at 7:30 pmand on the TV LAND network show “BEST NIGHT IN” which airs in between the commercial breaks of their 8 pm Monday night movie.Also her exhibit "THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX...FROZEN DREAMS" at the SCHACKNOW MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS7080 NW 4th Street in Plantation has been extended through 1/5/11.Please visit her web site is at http://www.thecelebritygiftwrapper.com/