Beautification and Code Committee

Jeff Messett and Robert Sophie - Chairs of the Neighborhood Beautification Committee

We shall aim to keep our community looking like one where the residents take pride in their neighborhood. The more polished our community looks, the higher the home resale values.

Maintaining the Hollywood Boulevard entrance to look appealing is one of the committee's charges. A team of volunteers may be recruited to assist the committee members. This is an opportunity for "curb appeal" concepts to carried out on a variety of projects.

As this committee is concerned with the home values in our community, one of our goals is to ensure that our residents understand the City of Hollywood's public codes.The chair and volunteers will be responsible for briefing and interacting with our assigned code enforcement agent. The intent and purpose of this committee is not to police or offend our neighbors; its sole purpose is for our neighborhood to have a few individuals who are well-versed in code compliance and are therefore able to help all of us preserve the integrity and charm of our community.

Our assigned code enforcement officer is Mr. Bruce Whalen

Join with Jeff and Robert in projects to maintain and enhance our neighborhood.